we are from Ukraine

Help UA People is a registered charitable organization in Ukraine, registration number is 44699872. We've been helping the Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian people almost right after the start of russian full scale invasion.

Help UA People Logo

Why help through us

There are many organizations looking for donations, not all of them are the same, we have a special approach and it's extremely effective

No middleman

The more people involved, more chances of something going sideways

We know the real needs

We keep in touch with heroes who are on the front line on a nonstop basis

Delivered by us personally

We gather, prepare, pack and deliver the help by ourselves

Regular reports

We post news and updates including pictures and videos regularly
Total food & water delivered
7,500+ kilograms
Different military supplies
2000+ items
Different Vehicles (including medical)

Ready to help? Or just check the reports today.

Get in touch

We're always open for a conversation, shoot us an email whether you have a question or you're willing to help in a different way.